PinnedNigerian Banks: My Tale Of WoesWhen the issue of Nigerian banks is raised in a public discourse, you’ll often find people crawling from nooks and crannies to lend their…Aug 19, 20222Aug 19, 20222
PinnedINSIDE BUT OUTSIDEAt one point or the other, we all have been third-party to a situation or relationship. Whether that experience reinforced your beliefs or…Aug 15, 2021Aug 15, 2021
Pinned“THE DEVIL IN MAN”The devil has a penchant for rescuing people from very difficult and extremely tight situations. How on earth can the representation of…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
A Beginner’s Guide To BorrowingBorrowing is a sign of lack. Why borrow when you can work your way to the top and afford your needs conveniently? In fact, a popular song I…Jan 16Jan 16
Kicking The BUCKETWe had this stainless steel bucket at home when I was much younger. By mistake, I kicked it. For the rest of the day, I was in…Jul 16, 2024Jul 16, 2024
2023: Nigeria In Review2023 was a year many looked forward to. It was the crescendo of political calculations and strategies. The whole mood of the country was…Dec 31, 20231Dec 31, 20231
Textbooks Beyond BordersWhat do you do with books you no longer use after stacking them up in the house for a while?Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
E FIT BE YOU O!I am sure you are pretty familiar with the “it can never be me” phrase. You see it everywhere in the comment sections on Twitter and…Oct 25, 20233Oct 25, 20233
CURSE GOD AND DIE!As crazy as this sounds, it is a valid premise. Why not just curse God and die? Why go through all these challenges with no end in sight…Oct 12, 2023Oct 12, 2023
“THE ANSWER IS NO”Fundamentally, we all want to win. We all have our dreams and aspirations for which cause we would work tooth and nail to achieve. However…Feb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022